You are here: Erlebnistherme Zillertal / Outdoor pool
Summer needs an outdoor pool!

Outdoor pool Fügen

The outdoor pool season lasts from early May to early September in Zillertal!

Across 1,700 m² of water area kids and their parents can really have a blast. The area is nearly as large as an entire ice hockey pitch. And the best part: nobody need freeze because the outdoor pool is heated - using district heating and solar panels.

Facing so many attractions on land and in the water, the kids often don’t even know where to begin. But one thing is certain: Your kids will be spent by evening. But watch out: Your kids may want to run right back to the outdoor pool the very next day!

Water fun
o 2 Wasserrutschen mit 60 und 74 m
o Trio-Slide-Wasserrutsche
o Wasserwerfer
o Schwallbrause
o Strömungskanal
o Wasserpilz
Action fun
o Trampolin
o Air-Bubble – eine Art Sprungtuch
o Riesen-Sprungburg
o Beach-Volleyball-Platz
o Slackline
o Spielautomaten